Dual Diagnosis Treatment Center
In most instances, an addiction is accompanied by some other problem or condition. It may be a previous trauma, it may be pain, or a psychological condition. When these issues are coupled with an addiction it’s called co-occurring disorders. Treating one disorder without addressing the other virtually guarantees a continuation of both problems. Quite often women with mental health issues, insecurities, negative self-image, depression, anxiety, or other contributing conditions will attempt to deal with those problems by self-medicating with drugs and alcohol. These compounded issues need to be dealt with if a long-term recovery is going to be successfully attained.
Holistic Healing for Dual Diagnosis
We are not only a dual diagnosis treatment center, we are a holistic healing center. We’ve created a program that we call whole-hearted healing. Within it, every woman gets exactly what she needs to achieve success in recovery and in life. We only have six clients at a time, as a maximum, specifically because we want every woman to get the most attention and benefit from being at Dee’s House. We work one-on-one with each client, tailoring her program to her needs and to address her personal challenges. We create a program with her and around her from the many resources we have available to us, including therapists, psychologists, physical therapists, spiritualists, medical doctors and more. With her, we set short and long term goals, create therapeutic strategies and plan her continuing care to make sure her recovery continues long after she’s left Dee’s House. This is the foundation we begin to build on.
Co-Occurring Disorders Treatment in Orange County
Onto that foundation of therapies we also include elements that build the mind, the body and the spirit as an important element of the co-occurring disorders treatment plan. We introduce principles and techniques that can quiet the daily noise and allow each woman to truly concentrate on recovery and on spiritual healing and self discovery. Healing is one part of our program, growing, on a very personal level, is the other part. It’s why we introduce our clients to a variety of teachings and therapy modalities that can bring them to a new level of understanding themselves and their lives. Daily nutrition and exercise are also important to this personal growth and success. Women who simply feel better also feel better about themselves.
We also expose our clients to a variety of teachings on a spiritual level, including renown metaphysical authors and practices that allow them to experience new ways of looking at the world and their relationship to it. The more in tune a woman can be with her world, the greater her chances of success in recovery.
For more information about our Orange County, CA Dual Diagnosis Treatment Program, call us confidentially at (714) 374-6873 or email us at info@deeshouse.com.