Healing The Mind
12 Step Recovery
We strongly support the Twelve Steps of Alcoholics Anonymous. It is integral to our program. You will be introduced to the 12 steps and AA principles, and you will attend daily meetings. On-site speakers will share their experience, strength and hope of how recovery has transformed their lives. We will work with you one-on-one so that you become familiar with the program, and we will help you as you go through the steps and start the process toward a happier, healthier life.
Process Groups
Since we know that strength is gained by working with others, we offer a variety of process groups that focus on core issues that often exacerbate the disease of addiction in women. Each day our clients will participate in multiple group therapy sessions, including Cognitive Behavioral Therapy discussions, self-esteem studies, relapse prevention and more. We will delve into what led to maladaptive coping methods, and we will help our clients find new, healthy ways of dealing with the stressors of life.
One-on-One Life Coaching
Life does not stop when you are in treatment. We will help you face your obstacles, and we will provide you with the necessary tools and outside resources to address the challenges of finances, education, employment, marriage and family, or divorce. We are here for you and with you. You don’t have to do this alone.
Book Studies
Those who have come before us have much to teach, and we believe in reaping the benefits of their knowledge. We include studies of books such as “The Power of Now,” “The Four Agreements,” and “Science of Mind,” to name a few, in order to open the door for our clients on their quest for answers. We include in-house book studies, and we attend weekly external book studies — when available and applicable — to give our clients the most well-rounded experience available.
For more information about Dee’s House’s Alcohol and Drug Treatment Center, please contact us today at (714) 374-6873 or info@deeshouse.com.