Our 12 Step Based Rehab Program Works
We believe if you truly want lasting sobriety it has to be rooted in fundamentals. Which is why our 12 step recovery program was created using the foundation originated by AA that has proven successful for so long. Not only does it give you a platform for self-examination and forgiveness, it rewards you with a valuable support community of people who have been where you are and succeeded in changing their lives for the better.
We Go Beyond the 12 Steps…
We think of our program as “12 steps and beyond”. Because, while the steps are important, there’s so much more we can do to help you. Treatment has changed a lot since the 12 steps were first established. There’s far more science involved now, plus better psychological understanding and base of knowledge we can draw on. Not to mention the expansive spiritual offerings available today. Even the steps have been slightly modified to be more inclusive of some of these spiritual theories and beliefs. Our 12 steps program is rooted in the fundamentals but flexible enough that anyone, even nonreligious people, can benefit from it, find a place in it, and keep sober with it. We work with you to find your path of understanding and forgiveness. This is your journey of self-discovery, of learning about yourself and how you came to be where you are. And how to change and find a life of joy and purpose.
Holistic Treatment and the 12 Steps
We are a holistic 12 step recovery program. We address the mind, the spirit and the body. These three are all interconnected and one draws off the others. There’s a balance between them and to ignore one is to throw off that balance. More importantly, it is imperative that you reverse the damage done to your body, and your brain, by addiction. That you regain that sparkle in your eye. In addition to checkups with a medical physician, during this healing process we will teach you how to incorporate a healthy diet and exercise into your daily routine, as we slowly take you from addiction to health in the California sunshine. We incorporate beach walks, scenic trail hikes, as well as group home cooking and nutritional counseling when applicable. We’ve also found Kundalini yoga very effective. It is known as the “yoga of awareness” – a holistic practice that balances the mind, body and spirit through breath work, specific exercises, relaxation and meditation. Scientifically, this technology rebuilds and strengthens the nervous system and stimulates the glandular system, which has been weakened through substance abuse, life stressors and self-sabotaging habits.